
ISO 14001:2015 EMS Readiness Checklist

Assess your readiness for new implementation of an ISO 14001:2015 EMS.

Whether or not your organization has an established Environmental Management System in place, you’re exerting resources to meet customer expectations, maintain your company’s reputation, and comply with legal or regulatory requirements anyway. If you’re attempting to do this without an established EMS, it’s likely you’ve overlooked the needs of all interested parties and your obligations to them, and you’re not addressing all internal and external issues appropriately– let alone efficiently or cost effectively. Proper planning and implementation of an ISO 14001:2015 EMS considers these factors and conditions as well as your organization’s business objectives while garnering support from top management to ensure real improvement to environmental performance that stays kind to the bottom line. The ISO 14001:2015 standard is recognized internationally as a proven methodology for reducing environmental hazards, improving performance and efficiency, reducing waste, and lowering operational costs.
ISO 14001 Readiness Checklist
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